
(Answer One From each section)

(Answer ONLY ONE)
Amma Dario’s faceless is a satirical novel because it condemns a societal ill, I.e the street child phenomenon , “a product of parental neglect in the society. It explores the dangers posed by this societal ill. Street children are exposed to crimes and other societal vices. This is depicted in the life of Fofo and her sister, baby T who are thrown into the streets as a result of absentee fathers. Fofo had to fend for herself by doing menial Jones and sleeping on “cardboard bed” laid is primarily concerned with having a home to sleep and parents to cuddle them at night . These street childcare exposed to social vices such as alcoholism in the beginning of the novel.
Fofo’s sisters , Baby T is not lucky like her sister and she becomes a victim of the same societal ill. She’s given out to work as a prostitute inadvertently by her desperate Mohamed who need to fend for her family. Even the villain, poison is a victim of societal problem thrown into the street at an early age as a result of maltreatment by his step father, poison responds violently to the society by firslty, working as an errand boy to a prostitute and later as a pimpwho controls his girls with violence and intimidation.
Finally, the novel is an open criticism against exploitation, crime and all other social vices in the society and technically , offers a solution to those problems


The cap picking ceremony organised by the community for Yaremi to pick a man of her choice ends in fiasco.Cap picking are great events in in Kufi.It was a day of great expectations for the people and their neighours in the surrounding villages of Ope,Idiogun,Olusokun,Koleeyan and Bankesa.It was a day a widow closes an old familiar chapter of her life and opens a new known chapter.The celebration takes off on a happy note: A long wooden bench was placed under the treeshade,with three traditional capsdisplayed on it.On a low stool in front of two were two calabash containers of ceremonial alligator pepper,bitter kola and table salt plus a bottle of honey and locally made gin all for propitiation to ensure the overall sucess of the day’s occassion.But true to her conviction Yaremi dissapointed the expectant crowd as she turns down the three suitors bowed to the elders and left for her house.Leaving everybody under the odan tree grazing petrified stupidity.


Loneliness is a major theme in the novel. It is the outcome of a tradition of kufi which isolates widows for a period. Three widows; Dedewe, Radeke and Fayoyin suffer this fate, but only as for as long as they end their widowhood by the cap-picking ceremony.
However, one character who is most affected by loneliness is Yaremi, whose marriage to her husband, Ajumobie comes to an abrupt end through his untimely death. Therefore, she is connected to a life of loneliness.
As a motif, “loneliness and its associations such as “left her alone”, “lonely” and “solitude” permeate the novel. Yaremi is rendered lonely after the death of her husband Ajumobi. Her two daughters segi and Wars, after being given away into marriage, no longer keeps her company. Her only son Alani, now lives in Ibadan and it him Kufi has become a lonely settlement at the very end of the earth.
Yaremi’s only companion is Woye, her little grandchild. On very cold nights, when other lucky women of kufi enjoy the company and warmth of their husbands, Yaremi sprawls dejectedly on her bamboo bed, missing Ajumobi and can only launch into a state of rapturous reminiscences. It becomes her habit to visit her husband’s grave at least two times a day. There she sits alone and monologues her earthly problems, hoping for Ajumobi’s response.
For fear of losing her Only companion Waye, she does everything she Knows of – medication, cajoling, coaxing, prayer – to get him healed of his high fever. No wonder, at the boy’s sudden decision to leave with bus mother for Olode to enroll in school, Yaremi perceives “a steadying positive factor in her loneliness going away”.
In the end, Alani’s strange pronouncement that he is going back to Ibadan after his short visit to kufi throws her into a swoon. Later when the village elders announced the punitive measure of sending her into exile for referring all the caps, she is galvanised into resolving that it is her dead body that they will carry out of kufi. She draws her strength and will-power from Almighty God and Ajumobi’s spirit and braces herself for the painful continuation of her lonely days.


(Answer ONLY ONE)
Father Jerome is a devout, intelligent, and kind -hearted friar in one of Otranto ’s two convents . He is formerly prince of Falconara , now a priest . Called to give absolution to the condemned Theodore , he discovers that Theodore is his own son , born before he entered the Church.

Jerome sees through Manfred ’ s attempts to manipulate him and attempts to deceive Manfred to protect Isabella . When this results in Theodore ’ s death sentence , it sets in a motion a series of events in which Jerome sees a mark on Theodore ’ s shoulder , realizes that Theodore is his long lost son , and reveals his own past identity as the Count of Falconara . After Manfred kills Matilda , Jerome reveals that Theodore has a stronger claim to the throne than Frederic , because Jerome ’ s wife (Theodore’ s mother) was Alfonso ’ s daughter . Throughout the story , Jerome acts as a true man of faith and goodness, working to protect others and counseling against greed and lust.


Symbolism in the novel:
Mrs Dalton’s blindness gives bigger the escape route of smothering Mary to death in order to avoid her from revealing his presence in her bedroom. On a symbolic level, this set of circumstances serves as a metaphor for the vicious cycle of racism in American society . Mrs Dalton’s inability to see bigger causes her to turn violence, just as the inability of whites to see blacks as individuals causes blacks to live their lives in fear and hatred.
The cross symbolizes compassion and sacrifice a greater goods and indeed Rev. Hammon intends as much when he gives bigger who even begins to think of himself as chrislike, imagining that he’s sacrificing himself in order to wash away the worlds sins.
Also the snow which turn into a blizzard aids in bigger’s capture. When bigger falls on the ground in order to escape, the snow fills his mouth, ears and eyes which represents the metaphorical “whiteness” he feels had been controlling him, his whole life. Bigger tries to flee, but the snow has sealed of all avenues of escape allowing the white police to catch him.

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